Project One

This is week 1803 game progress log. Please, visit About page for more info, or go directly to Github Repository.

Day 2

Yesterday I searched for some “Deep Space” images. Solar System and galaxies appears as inspiration. I had an idea, looking at a Milky Way picture: how difficult would be to search for radio signals coming from deep space?

So, I imagined the control panel: should be something similar to “Carmen SanDiego” UX, whith boxes, and text, and signals, and lights turning on and off, and that kind of stuff.

Today, after a short “Brainstorming”, with the help of my video game partner, @ruthgonzreb, final idea was decided.


  1. You are in charged of the Deep Space Communication Network of your planet.
  2. It is your first day, and you start learning how to control an antenna.
  3. Several satellites get into your reception areas (spread over the planet), and you need to re-arrange the antennas, to receive their signals.
  4. You earn points when signal gets into the antenna dish. With those points you can buy automatic controllers for the dishes, ans so on.

Ok, so we have an idea, and some kind of mechanics. Great!

Initial Designs

I draw some sketches about antennas, control panels and satellites.


Main Mechanics

Main mechanics is already defined: Re-arrange an antenna dish in one axis, while receiving signals.

This way, two main tasks are defined:

  1. Control an antenna-like object, in 2D, and in 1 axis.
  2. Generate random signals around the globe.

Also, I have created Godot’s project structure.

End of second day!

Day 1

This is OGD first day, first game! I built a short backlog (Github’s Kanban Board #1803).


Also, I used Cowface’s Random Title generator, which is based on LDJAM old themes.

Random Title

I followed a similar voting schema like the use on LDJAM.

  • First I selected 10 random titles, whithout any filter.
  • Then, I voted every single theme from 1 to 10.
  • I selected the 3-4 more voted, and voted again.
  • I selected the winner.

In this case the winner was…. DeepSpace!

Ok, I know what you are thinking… As I’m doing this alone, and while this is the first game, I tried to be as realistic as possible, trying not to apply any bias over voting, and so on.

Votes are defined by just personal experience: easy to develop, funny creative theme, etc.

Here are the random picked themes, vote results and winner table.


Tomorrow I’ll work on game mechanics. It was an easy start!